Array |
1 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 13812: ---><br>
13813: <cfset sToBigMarker = ''><br>
<b>13814: <cfif !arguments.bIsString and (arguments.value*1111) gt 2147483647></b><br>
13815: <cfset bIsString = true><br>
13816: <cfset sToBigMarker = '%-b%'><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 13812: --->
13813: <cfset sToBigMarker = ''>
13814: <cfif !arguments.bIsString and (arguments.value*1111) gt 2147483647>
13815: <cfset bIsString = true>
13816: <cfset sToBigMarker = '%-b%'>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.modules.dyntables.dyntables_cfc$cf.udfCalld(/site/Modules/dynTables/dynTables.cfc:13814) |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\modules\dynTables\dynTables.cfc |
| type | |
2 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 10: <input type="hidden" name="relID" value="#stConfig.user.rel#"><br>
11: <input type="hidden" name="personID" value="#stConfig.user.person#"><br>
<b>12: <input type="hidden" name="boatID" value="#variables.oDT.urlEncrypt("></b><br>
13: <div class="filterFormRow"><br>
14: <div class="filterFormCol" id="filterForm_from"><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 10: <input type="hidden" name="relID" value="#stConfig.user.rel#">
11: <input type="hidden" name="personID" value="#stConfig.user.person#">
12: <input type="hidden" name="boatID" value="#variables.oDT.urlEncrypt(">
13: <div class="filterFormRow">
14: <div class="filterFormCol" id="filterForm_from">
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.modules.sailnet.sbox.template.boatdetailfilter_cfm$ |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\modules\sailnet\sbox\template\boatDetailFilter.cfm |
| type | |
3 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 430: <cfset variables.stFilterData = arguments.stFilterData><br>
431: <!---<cfscript>writedump(arguments.pathToTemplate);</cfscript>---><br>
<b>432: <cfinclude template="#arguments.pathToTemplate#"></b><br>
433: <cfelse><br>
434: <cfoutput>no Template found: #arguments.pathToTemplate#</cfoutput><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 430: <cfset variables.stFilterData = arguments.stFilterData>
431: <!---<cfscript>writedump(arguments.pathToTemplate);</cfscript>--->
432: <cfinclude template="#arguments.pathToTemplate#">
433: <cfelse>
434: <cfoutput>no Template found: #arguments.pathToTemplate#</cfoutput>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.modules.sailnet.sbox.cfc.filter_cfc$cf.udfCall(/site/modules/sailnet/sbox/cfc/filter.cfc:432) |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\modules\sailnet\sbox\cfc\filter.cfc |
| type | |
4 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 123: filterFormHtml = BoatlistFilter.createFilterForm( stFilterData: stFilterData,<br>
124: pathToTemplate: SailnetConfig.getConf('module.boatDetail.filter.template.path',''),<br>
<b>125: stConfig: stConfig )</b><br>
126: listElementData = Boatlist.getElements(, filter:{'parentEventId' = stConfig.parentEventId}, isLoggedIn:Login.isLoggedIn());<br>
127: <br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 123: filterFormHtml = BoatlistFilter.createFilterForm( stFilterData: stFilterData,
124: pathToTemplate: SailnetConfig.getConf('module.boatDetail.filter.template.path',''),
125: stConfig: stConfig )
126: listElementData = Boatlist.getElements(, filter:{'parentEventId' = stConfig.parentEventId}, isLoggedIn:Login.isLoggedIn());
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | domains.sailbox.appbuilder.sailnet.v1.boatdetail.se_boatdetail.boatdetail_cfm$ |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\domains\sailbox\appBuilder\sailnet\v1\boatDetail\se_boatDetail\boatDetail.cfm |
| type | |
5 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 256: <cfset request.tc_applPageElement_step4_getSettings = getTickCount()-request.tc_applPageElement_step4_getSettings><br>
257: <!---<cfinclude template="../../../../../#dc.system.PATH_APPL_HTTP#/#applName#/v#applVersion#/#stepShortName#/se_#sStepElementShortname#/#sStepElementShortname#.cfm">---><br>
<b>258: <cfinclude template="/#dc.system.PATH_APPL_HTTP#/#applName#/v#applVersion#/#stepShortName#/se_#sStepElementShortname#/#sStepElementShortname#.cfm"></b><br>
259: <cfelse><br>
260: StepElement Template wurde nicht gefunden.<br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 256: <cfset request.tc_applPageElement_step4_getSettings = getTickCount()-request.tc_applPageElement_step4_getSettings>
257: <!---<cfinclude template="../../../../../#dc.system.PATH_APPL_HTTP#/#applName#/v#applVersion#/#stepShortName#/se_#sStepElementShortname#/#sStepElementShortname#.cfm">--->
258: <cfinclude template="/#dc.system.PATH_APPL_HTTP#/#applName#/v#applVersion#/#stepShortName#/se_#sStepElementShortname#/#sStepElementShortname#.cfm">
259: <cfelse>
260: StepElement Template wurde nicht gefunden.
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.artedit.showappledit.pageelements.v001.dsp_applpageelementfrontend_cfc$cf.udfCall(/site/ArtEdit/showApplEdit/pageElements/v001/dsp_applPageElementFrontend.cfc:258) |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\ArtEdit\showApplEdit\pageElements\v001\dsp_applPageElementFrontend.cfc |
| type | |
6 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 1867: // this content is always generated into static pages not on save<br>
1868: if (arguments.removemarker) {<br>
<b>1869: vContent = new ""(stConfig).getHtml();</b><br>
1870: }<br>
1871: <br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 1867: // this content is always generated into static pages not on save
1868: if (arguments.removemarker) {
1869: vContent = new ""(stConfig).getHtml();
1870: }
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | mp.article_cfc$cf.udfCall5(/lib/mp/article.cfc:1869) |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\cfc\mp\article.cfc |
| type | |
7 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 2679: config = getRenderConfig(config); // convert to struct - in use below too<br>
2680: // get or set html content<br>
<b>2681: sContent = getDynamicContentForMplTags(corp=mpCorp,config=config,entryType=mpContentType,html=mpmarker.html(),removeMarker=arguments.removeMarker);</b><br>
2682: } else {<br>
2683: sContent = mpmarker.html();<br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 2679: config = getRenderConfig(config); // convert to struct - in use below too
2680: // get or set html content
2681: sContent = getDynamicContentForMplTags(corp=mpCorp,config=config,entryType=mpContentType,html=mpmarker.html(),removeMarker=arguments.removeMarker);
2682: } else {
2683: sContent = mpmarker.html();
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | mp.article_cfc$cf.udfCall6(/lib/mp/article.cfc:2681) |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\cfc\mp\article.cfc |
| type | |
8 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 3295: var tc_getStaticHTML_start = getTickCount();<br>
3296: var tc_getStaticHTML_start_replaceMarker = getTickCount();<br>
<b>3297: var html = replaceMpMarker(corp=arguments.qSiteSett.id_corp,sHtml=arguments.sHTML,removeMarker=true);</b><br>
3298: <br>
3299: request.tc_getStaticHTML_result_replaceMarker = getTickCount() - tc_getStaticHTML_start_replaceMarker;<br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 3295: var tc_getStaticHTML_start = getTickCount();
3296: var tc_getStaticHTML_start_replaceMarker = getTickCount();
3297: var html = replaceMpMarker(corp=arguments.qSiteSett.id_corp,sHtml=arguments.sHTML,removeMarker=true);
3299: request.tc_getStaticHTML_result_replaceMarker = getTickCount() - tc_getStaticHTML_start_replaceMarker;
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | mp.article_cfc$cf.udfCall7(/lib/mp/article.cfc:3297) |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\cfc\mp\article.cfc |
| type | |
9 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 218: // get completely static content. remove all mpl tags also from appBuilder pageElements.<br>
219: <br>
<b>220: sReplacedContent =,qSiteSett=q_SiteSett);</b><br>
221: <br>
222: //sReplacedContent &= "<div>#serializeJSON(q_SiteSett)#</div>";<br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 218: // get completely static content. remove all mpl tags also from appBuilder pageElements.
220: sReplacedContent =,qSiteSett=q_SiteSett);
222: //sReplacedContent &= "<div>#serializeJSON(q_SiteSett)#</div>";
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.queries.qry_staticswitch_cfm$ |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\Queries\qry_StaticSwitch.cfm |
| type | |
10 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 465: <cfset session.vNewsNaviList = ""><br>
466: <cfset self = "index.cfm"><br>
<b>467: <cfinclude template="Queries/qry_StaticSwitch.cfm"></b><br>
468: </cfif><br>
469: <cfsilent><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 465: <cfset session.vNewsNaviList = "">
466: <cfset self = "index.cfm">
467: <cfinclude template="Queries/qry_StaticSwitch.cfm">
468: </cfif>
469: <cfsilent>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.application_cfm$ |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\Application.cfm |
| type | |